Blood Cancer Patient Forum 2021


The 2021 Blood Cancer Patient Forum. held virtually, is now available to view online.

You can view the playlist below and on Youtube here

Dear all,

Tomorrow was to be the 2021 Blood Cancer Patient Forum held in Christchurch. This conference has an excellent programme, which is now all virtual. It is such a pity that it won’t be held live in Christchurch, because of lockdown.

The speakers all will be very good, and for those struggling with lockdown, it will give you an informative and structured event for your weekend.

Look through the details of the speakers on LBC’s website. You will all have a slightly different slant on what might interest you, but there is lots to recommend.

  • Jake Bailey is a full-time speaker and blood cancer survivor. His talk is not to be missed.
  • Likewise, David Downs, comedian and author, also a blood cancer survivor, the story behind which he documents in a very funny and thoughtful book “A Mild Touch of the Cancer” is a speaker whose talk is also not to be missed.

The formal medical speakers’ topics of the conference are diverse and informative.

  • Professor Peter Browett will talk about chronic leukaemias, and genetics
  • Dr Henry Chan about myeloma
  • Dr Richard Dooley will talk about state of the art blood cancer and leukaemia treatments, and, very important and potentially lifesaving, how to access the unfunded ones
  • Dr Kathryn Forwood will talk about palliative care in haematology
  • Dr Amy Holmes will give an update on NHL, and Dr Graeme Kidd will address living with blood cancer.
  • Georgina Barr will talk about feet, two parts of our body we don’t tend to look after like we should, until they start to hurt or don’t work as they should
  • And there are several excellent talks about the psychosocial and palliative aspects of having leukaemia or blood cancer – by Sue Corkill, Michael Hempseed, Erin Kavanagh, and Elaine Horn.

This will be a valuable and informative event not to be missed. It starts on Friday evening and goes all day Saturday, where there will be sessions in parallel, so you will need to give some thought to what sessions you wish to go to, and so plan ahead. View the programme here.

Enjoy it.

Neil Graham