CLLANZ Inaugural Patient Seminar
What is the state-of-the-art treatment for CLL in New Zealand?
What are the latest international and local developments in CLL research and treatment, and what’s on the horizon? What is the optimal approach to ‘watch and wait’ management? How can we access clinical trials? How does New Zealand compare with international standards of care?
For answers to these questions and more, join us in person or online for the CLL Advocates NZ Inaugural CLL Seminar, featuring three of NZ’s top haematologists and CLL specialists Dr Rob Weinkove, Dr Peter Browett and Dr Gillian Corbett.
The format will be short presentations from each speaker followed by a panel discussion and Q&A. Attendees can send in questions in advance of the meeting or ask them in person either at the event or through the Q&A chat window on the live stream of the seminar. Questions you’d like to submit in advance can be emailed to
The event is co-hosted by Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand with three options to attend.
You can attend in person at LBC’s main office in Auckland, at your local LBC support centre (via Zoom live stream), or from the comfort of your home via Zoom live stream. See details below.
Patients and their supporters are welcome to attend. Please register for one of the following.
Options to attend
Attend in person in Auckland at the live event
5.15pm – 7pm: 6 Claude Road, Epsom, Auckland
Register by phoning Tim Maifeleni on 0800 15 10 15 Extn 9217 or emailing by 7 October
Attend in person at your local LBC support centre
Live event will be screened via Zoom from 5.30pm
Register by calling your local support coordinator on 0800 15 10 15 or email by 7 October
From home (Via Zoom)
Live video from 5.30pm
Register to join the live Zoom meeting here
After you register you will receive a confirmation email