Coalition Agreement


Yesterday coalition agreements between the National Party and New Zealand First and Act were formally signed. This three-party coalition promises to shape one of the most unique Cabinets under the MMP system, emphasising a cross-party approach to governance.

The Coalition Agreements, available by clicking here for National and NZ First and here for National and Act, outline the shared commitments and collaborative efforts that will define the upcoming Government.


Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister

Christopher Luxon will be the Prime Minister.

Winston Peters will be Deputy Prime Minister until May 31 2025.

David Seymour will be Deputy Prime Minister from May 31 2025.

Minister of Health, Associate Ministers of Health & Minister of Science and Innovation

Dr Shane Reti – Minister of Health
David Seymour – Associate Minister of Health (Pharmac)
Matt Doocey – Associate Minister of Health

Casey Costello – Associate Minister of Health


Key Health Items from Coalition Agreements

Between National and Act

  • Disestablish the Māori Health Authority
  • Repeal the Therapeutic Products Act 2023
  • Broaden the terms of reference of the Royal Commission into the COVID-19 response, subject to public consultation.
  • Update Pharmac’s decision making model to ensure it appropriately takes patient voice into account and reform the funding model to account for positive fiscal impacts on the Crown of funding more medicines.
  • Require the Ministry of Health to publish a Medicines Strategy every three years.
  • Require Medsafe to approve new pharmaceuticals within 30 days of them being approved by at least two regulatory agencies recognised by New Zealand.
  • Better recognise people with overseas medical qualifications and experience for accreditation in New Zealand, including consideration of an occupations tribunal.
  • Investigate build and lease-back arrangements for New Hospitals.
  • Allow the sale of cold medication containing pseudoephedrine.
  • Allow appropriately qualified pharmacists to directly prescribe certain treatments.
  • Agree the terms of reference for the statutory requirement to review the End of Life Choice Act 2019 following consultation between the Parties, with any potential future changes to be progressed by way of a member’s bill, recognising this is a conscience issue.
  • Examine the Māori and Pacific Admission Scheme (MAPAS) and Otago equivalent to determine if they are delivery desired outcomes.
  • Repeal the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Act 2022 to remove the requirements for denicotinisation and the reduction in retail outlets.
  • Introduce serious penalties for selling vapes to under 18s and consider requiring a liquor licence to sell vapes.


Between National and New Zealand First

  • Abolish the Māori Health Authority
  • Update Pharmac’s decision making model to ensure it appropriately takes “patient voice” into account and increase funding for Pharmac every year
  • Require Medsafe to approve new pharmaceuticals within 30 days of them being approved by at least two overseas regulatory agencies recognised by New Zealand.
  • Better recognise people with overseas medical qualifications, and experience for accreditation in New Zealand.
  • Progress the adoption of digital technology in harder to staff areas and make greater use of Nurse Practitioners.
  • Repeal the Therapeutic Products Act 2023.
  • Fund Gumboot Friday / I am Hope Charity to $6 million per annum
  • Renegotiate Crown funding agreement with St John with a view to meeting a greater portion of their annualised budget.
  • Ensure Plunket is funded to do their job properly
  • Ensure proper funding for birthing units and maternity care, including providing a three day stay for new mothers.
  • Repeal amendments to the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 and regulations before March 2023, removing requirements for denicotisation ,removing the reduction in retail outlets and the generation ban, while also amending vaping product requirements and taxing smoked products only.