Blood type may predict which cancer patients are prone to clots

Cancer and its treatments increase the risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE). That includes deep-vein thrombosis (DVT, a blood clot that typically forms in the deep veins of the leg) and pulmonary embolism (PE, a life-threatening condition that occurs when a blood clot breaks free and travels to the lungs' arteries).

Factors such as tumours or cancer types are now used to identify cancer patients at high risk of VTE, but many go unidentified. This study concluded that cancer patients with non-O blood types, such as types A, B and AB, are at increased risk for VTE.

For more information please click on the link: Blood Type May Predict Which Cancer Patients Are Prone to Clots - Consumer Health News | HealthDay

COVID-19 information for patients and whānau with cancer.

This link here: Te Aho o Te Kahu – Cancer during COVID-19 contains information for patients and whānau with cancer. Cancer treatment continues at all phases of the Ministry of Health’s Omicron Response Plan.

Pharmac Review Final Report – Update

In a radio interview today, Health Minister Andrew Little said the final Pharmac Review report will be publicised “in a matter of a few weeks.”

The Pharmac Review panel was expected to hand over the final report to Minister Little by 28 February 2022 – he received it last week.

Click below to listen to the interview on 95bFM The Wire. Fast forward the audio recording at the bottom of the page to approximately 10 minutes to hear Andrew Little speak about the report.

The Wire with Joe and Emilia: March 10, 2022 | 95bFM

CLL Advocates Network´s March Newsletter

The CLL Advocates Network´s latest newsletter (March edition) where the first article is on the “International COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition" (ICBCC).

You can access the newsletter HERE.

There is also a page with ICBCC Success Stories and Access News.

In this section you will find a list of success stories that have been reported to the ICBCC following the launch of the International COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition´s (ICBCC) Joint Patient Impact Statement on 21 February 2022.

Let me take the opportunity to remind you of our next Coalition Update Meeting which is taking place this Thursday 10 March from 18:00-19:30 CET / 5:00-6:30 GMT.

Here is the Zoom link for those who wish to join:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 884 3681 3708
Passcode: 669124

On behalf of: Nicole Schroeter

International COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition (ICBCC) Secretariat

Endorsers of the ICBCC Patient Impact Statement

Last Thursday 24 February the ICBCC Policy Strategy Working Group met to discuss on the Policy Strategy to address the specific impact of the pandemic on immunocompromised blood cancer patients (both acute and chronic) in a workshop-style setting. The meeting was facilitated by our partner Patvocates.

During the 2 hour workshop the group managed to define the actionable objectives from the impact statement and define the primary stakeholders and the level of lobbying needed (international/country level) for each of the objectives. In order to finalise the policy strategy and prioritise the creation of the tools and with the aim of eliciting a broad representative sample, we want to ask all statement endorsers to please vote their top 5 priorities when it comes to objectives. You can do this by adding votes in the Online Tool Groupmap which you can access via the following link: submit your votes by end of business Thursday 3rd of March.

As final step, we ask you as well to add suggestions on which tools you would consider most useful for you for each of the actions (template letters, social media images, flyers, etc.). To do so, you can add comments in each of the boxes.

Your input will help us provide tools that really suit your needs.

 We thank you in advance for your speedy response to the above request!

On behalf of the CLLAN Steering Committee and the International COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition" (ICBCC)

CLLANZ trustees present to Pae Ora Committee

On 8 February CLL Advocates trustees appeared before the Parliamentary Select Committee that is considering the draft Pae Ora legislation that will establish the new health system. Watch it here and see our full submission here

Which haematology patients are at higher risk of COVID-19?’

Watch this excellent presentation by Dr Rob Weinkove of the Malaghan Institute, courtesy of Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ, on ‘COVID-19 and haematology patients - protecting yourself in 2022’


Launch of the Patient Impact Statement of the International COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition (ICBCC)

The coalition has prepared the Statement for use in different countries to aid when advocating for the provision of anti-COVID-19 treatment and care for immunocompromised or immunosuppressed (IC/IS) blood cancer patients. The Statement has been endorsed by multiple networks and national organisations of the global patient advocacy community as well as renowned medical societies and representatives from the global clinical community.