World CLL Day Webinar

Our webinar, held on World CLL Day, September 1st, featured an engaging and informative agenda focused on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL).

Hosted by Dr. Ruth Spearing, the event began with an introduction highlighting the significance of World CLL Day and its importance to the global CLL community. Dr. Amy Holmes led the main presentation, which aimed to clarify complex data, discuss the latest research findings, and explore their implications for CLL patients. She provided practical insights into managing CLL, addressing pre-submitted questions and engaging with live queries from participants, ensuring a dynamic and interactive discussion.

You can access the full recording at your convenience. We encourage you to explore the content and share it with anyone who may benefit from the information presented. Here is the link: 1st September Webinar recording

We sincerely thank all the attendees for their participation, thoughtful questions, and contributions to the discussion.

We invite everyone to explore the resources provided on our website and reach out to CLL Advocates NZ for further information, support, or to stay connected with our community and upcoming events. Your feedback and engagement help us continue to offer valuable content and support to all those affected by CLL.