Advocating for Better Access to Modern Medications for CLL

CLL Trustee, Dr. Ruth Spearing features in this One News interview explaining why New Zealand lacks funding for modern medications, which restricts access to the latest treatments and prevents the country from meeting international standards of care.

Although Pharmac, New Zealand’s drug-buying agency, recently expanded access to certain blood cancer treatments, it operates under a constrained budget.

New Zealand’s spending on medicines is less than a third of what other countries invest.

The call is for more funding to improve access to updated treatments and reduce long-term healthcare costs.

Jodie White, who was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, shares her experience of moving from chemotherapy to a clinical trial for a new treatment that has no side effects, dramatically improving her quality of life.

We are grateful to Ruth and Jodie for advocating to improve treatment options for CLL.